Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. Chilly weather house party
    Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. I had a bunch of things I needed to do this weekend, so I wrote about using logical properties for the Junk Drawer instead
  3. I should've been doing something over the last couple of days, so I wrote a post on using logical properties for my new site
  4. New neighbors are having a… singalong party?
  5. Also, 🎉
    Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. Looking forward to catching up on Inclusive Design 24 videos later, and maybe catching a few live, check the schedule and drop in #id24
  7. For the morning crowd, a love letter to some sites and accounts I love
  8. Ew?
    Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. Good booster consent form name
    Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  10. Bushwick Big Band at the local beer garden with an enjoyable George Michael set, currently playing Careless Whisper
  11. Annual practice of looking back and forward, a low pressure way to keep myself on track. Happy to discover that I did most of what I set out to do over the past year.
  12. It's been two years, I guess I can't call it the new site anymore...
  13. How do I HTML? Alt: Screenshot of a 90's website titled HTML Workshop Page. Layout has a header, precursor of a hero & 2 columns, each section uses a different color. Sections include My HTML Stuff, Other HTML Goodies, Is my background OK?. There's an under construction banner @WebDesignMuseum/1564882743791652864
  14. Just threw some hex colors in a Trello card and discovered that they include a color chip, nice
    Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. Calling all HTML developers 🚨 @htm_hell/1562074778244194307
  16. This yft moment has happened to me more than once @harrybr/1560607676714782721
  17. Just got my online ticket 🎉
  18. Yes!
    Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  19. Crawled out from under my rock for a bit
  20. Ahoy, happy Caturday matey! (and two paws up for the alt text 😻) @Manglewood/1553188518687657985
  21. TIL basil can smell like cat pee (without a cat actually peeing on it)
  22. Weather has improved from Brutal to Disgusting, looks like we might get to Tolerable by the weekend
  23. After making a little blog for myself with WordPress & @eleven_ty I wrote up all the things I learned along the way, which turned out to be a two part series... Part one is on the WordPress set-up
  24. Someone is helping me finish an upcoming article 😂 Alt: A black and white cat sits on the spacebar of a keyboard adding empty lines to markdown file.
  25. New Twitter bio just dropped: unimpressive and struggling to maintain themselves @nymetrowx/1554606658604744704
  26. A band just started at the local beer garden, playing Hot Child in the City
  27. Guess I should mention the new site at the old site
  28. Today is a bittersweet day here at Junk Drawer Manor
  29. Looks kind of tornado-ish over here
    Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APISorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  30. When I was looking around to get inspiration for the Junk Drawer I spent some time randomly visiting sites in the IndieWeb Webring, here are a few of them
  31. Wandering around the IndieWeb is enjoyable
  32. Hello, I have a new blog. It uses headless WordPress as a CMS for @eleven_ty, it also has RSS