Tweet number 30,316

        1. Because it's easier to redesign a current a side project than to finally get around to that portfolio site [Alt: Step one of a zillion in a site redesign, plain HTML setting out the structure of the page]
          Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @superterrific
        Also, Friday night 🎉
    1. …in reply to @superterrific
      Standup: Almost done with @replaygenerator redesign that I started two ago on a whim with no real ideas. Several under the hood improvements and a few little fun bits. Will probably release it into the wild tomorrow...
  1. …in reply to @superterrific
    @replaygenerator And they're off! A few details to follow... @replaygenerator/1226241709878718469
    1. …in reply to @superterrific
      I really didn't have much of an idea of what to do with it, other than I wanted to redo the CSS since the original version was done with Bootstrap. The new version is coded from scratch. Original version is archived here...
      1. …in reply to @superterrific
        The new version is slightly better from a performance POV but still needs work (hi I have to learn how to cache things now). Hoping to improve on that a bit, will definitely be a good learning opportunity.
        1. …in reply to @superterrific
          Shout out to the recent @FEChallengeClub redesign for the title font inspiration! Also used an adapted version of @hankchizljaw reset and the fluid type utility on the headings and button, fun stuff!
          1. …in reply to @superterrific
            One improvement is that there's now an experience for visitors without JS enabled (either by choice or accident). YouTube won't work w/o JS, but I used their transcription to grab this 🤓
            Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
            1. …in reply to @superterrific
              And finally, I added a dark mode for those of you have your OS set to dark mode. No toggle though, sorry! Kind of garish, but aren't most dark mode UIs? (ha ha, sorry not sorry). Anyway, fun two week redesign sprint. Hope you enjoy it!
              Sorry, twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
              1. …in reply to @superterrific
                Forgot to mention this helpful article from @CSSInRealLife that literally came out the day I finished my dark mode design and needed to figure out how to implement it. Very straightforward & useful, thanks!