32,583 tweets

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  1. Chilly weather house party
  2. I had a bunch of things I needed to do this weekend, so I wrote about using logical properties for the Junk Drawer instead danabyerly.com/notes/logical-junk-drawer/
  3. I should've been doing something over the last couple of days, so I wrote a post on using logical properties for my new site danabyerly.com/notes/logical-junk-drawer/
  4. New neighbors are having a… singalong party?
  5. Looking forward to catching up on Inclusive Design 24 videos later, and maybe catching a few live, check the schedule and drop in #id24 inclusivedesign24.org/2022/schedule/
  6. For the morning crowd, a love letter to some sites and accounts I love danabyerly-junkdrawer.website/blog/local-labors-of-love/
  7. Good booster consent form name
  8. Bushwick Big Band at the local beer garden with an enjoyable George Michael set, currently playing Careless Whisper mmc.band/jazz/about
  9. Annual practice of looking back and forward, a low pressure way to keep myself on track. Happy to discover that I did most of what I set out to do over the past year. danabyerly.com/notes/year-two-in-the-books/
  10. It's been two years, I guess I can't call it the new site anymore... danabyerly.com/notes/year-two-in-the-books/
  1. You're welcome #KYDerby twitpic.com/9gifat
  2. What the hell is happening right now
  3. Saratoga by distance and course after the 4th weekend. 36 races off the turf so far, of those 26 had at least one MTO starter (72.2%), MTO starters won 10 of those races, or 38.4% of the time.
  4. "I'm sick of the Baffert bullshit", good read by Tom Noonan. tenoonan.com/2021/05/14/who-is-the-fool-baffert-or-us/
  5. Time for my annual Kentucky Derby logo commentary that nobody asked for... Love the type treatment Hate the colors And the Twin Spires look like... syringes?
  6. Congrats to Beholder on joining Goldikova as a 3X @BreedersCup winner 🏆

I’ve retweeted other tweets 4,628 times (14.2%)

Most Retweeted

  1. helloracefans 1991 retweets
  2. raceday360 266 retweets
  3. railbird 120 retweets
  4. BklynBckstretch 108 retweets
  5. EJXD2 86 retweets
  6. catsinresidence 64 retweets
  7. o_crunk 59 retweets
  8. evgrieve 40 retweets
  9. exactamundo 39 retweets
  10. greenbutgame 34 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. CerovacBogdan 1 retweet

Replies and Mentions

49.2% of my tweets are replies (×16,027)

Most Replies To

  1. BklynBckstretch 2567 replies
  2. EJXD2 1253 replies
  3. o_crunk 725 replies
  4. Pullthepocket 617 replies
  5. railbird 354 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. BklynBckstretch 1 reply
  2. SarahKAndrew 1 reply
  3. ohhelloana 1 reply

I’ve sent someone a mention 452 times (1.4%)

44.1% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (1,811 of 4,110)

100.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (2 of 2)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 1095 tweets
  2. bit.ly 850 tweets
  3. goo.gl 196 tweets
  4. helloracefans.com 163 tweets
  5. youtube.com 152 tweets
  6. twitpic.com 132 tweets
  7. danabyerly.com 72 tweets
  8. instagr.am 71 tweets
  9. instagram.com 55 tweets
  10. vine.co 41 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 1093 tweets
  2. bit.ly 850 tweets
  3. goo.gl 196 tweets
  4. helloracefans.com 163 tweets
  5. www.youtube.com 150 tweets
  6. twitpic.com 132 tweets
  7. danabyerly.com 72 tweets
  8. instagr.am 71 tweets
  9. vine.co 41 tweets
  10. instagram.com 40 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 2,108 retweets and ❤️ 10,273 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 👍🏼 used 115 times on 104 tweets
  2. 🎉 used 107 times on 103 tweets
  3. 🤓 used 34 times on 34 tweets
  4. 💸 used 33 times on 19 tweets
  5. 👇🏼 used 28 times on 18 tweets

207 unique emoji on 680 tweets (2.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. kyderby used 239 times
  2. kyoaks used 130 times on 129 tweets
  3. bc11 used 92 times on 91 tweets
  4. preakness used 88 times
  5. bc12 used 67 times

3,819 hashtags on 3,808 tweets (13.6% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. d_mn used 149 times on 148 tweets
  2. h_ll used 76 times on 75 tweets
  3. a_s used 49 times
  4. s_it used 47 times on 46 tweets
  5. b_tching used 16 times on 15 tweets

412 swear words on 403 tweets (1.4% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets